AMCs, please walk the talk

The straight talking Brijesh Dalmia, who has never minced words when discussing distribution practices that need to be reviewed, strengthene ...

15 Sep 2014
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The 3rd Lifeline for IFAs

Imagine this. A one day international cricket match is going on. The team batting 2nd has to chase 280 runs. They are 20 for 2 after 6 overs ...

21 Jul 2014
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Opportunities are here again. Where are the IFA’s?

Resilience and conviction pays – not just for investors, but also for distributors. Brijesh says distributors who stuck to MF distribu ...

20 May 2014
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Are you losing your sleep over ‘Direct’ investments?

Its a little over a year that direct plans have been in existence. Some fund experts believe that direct plans may result in the IFA communi ...

10 Mar 2014
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When should we exit a fund

Distributors often say that they get several buy calls from fund houses, but rarely an exit call. Some may argue that exit calls are the dom ...

07 Feb 2014
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Why are we obsessed with selling performance?

In this edition of Straight Talk, Brijesh takes up a very important aspect : obsession with selling performance. It’s the easiest thin ...

21 Jan 2014
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8 Myths of Advisors

Brijesh’s latest dose of Straight Talk deals with 8 myths that many advisors and distributors believe in, which only come in the way o ...

21 Dec 2013
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Are you treating the headache or the stomach disorder?

Brijesh is back with another dose of Straight Talk, where he tackles another tricky issue head-on. Clients ask for high returns and low risk ...

06 Dec 2013
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Not convinced about mutual funds? Here’s a solution for you.

In the inaugural article of this new column called Straight Talk, Brijesh Dalmia – one of Eastern India’s most successful adviso ...

19 Nov 2013
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If you want to fly, get on to the flight first

Brijesh Dalmia is not only one of Eastern India’s most successful advisors, but is an active IFA trainer and coach, having conducted s ...

05 Nov 2013
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Key success mantra : Client is KING

Brijesh is one of the best placed in the business to give a perspective on what IFAs need to do to succeed in the changing environment. He i ...

05 Oct 2012
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