Book my profits. I will invest again when markets are low.

  • 3426
  • 55

When should I book profits?

  • 1572
  • 20

What if markets fall in the year in which I need funds?

  • 1045
  • 13

My business gives me better returns. Why should I invest in mutual funds?

  • 1454
  • 17

'Direct' has lower cost. Why should I invest through you?

  • 1325
  • 16

Property gives higher returns. Why should I invest in equity mutual funds?

  • 686
  • 7

There is no guarantee of returns in Mutual Funds

  • 1065
  • 8

Mutual Funds are risky because they invest in shares.

  • 478
  • 6

Ulips are taxfree and they also have lower fund management charges. Why should not I invest in Ulips?

  • 421
  • 1

Debt fund is not giving good returns since last 1-2 years. FD was better. (June'18)

  • 456
  • 2

My equity funds are not performing. I am losing principal. Please suggest me alternative investments where I can earn more.

  • 477
  • 4

My fund values are down by 30%. In the short term, equity markets don’t look good either. Why don’t you switch equity funds into debt funds and buy it again once equity markets fall further?

  • 940
  • 9