What are the various options available to an investor upon maturity of the account?

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Who can not open a PPF account?

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What if the investor makes contributions to the PPF account after maturity without informing the Accounts Office?

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Can a PPF account be opened in the name of a minor?

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Can grandparents open PPF account on behalf of minor grand child?

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Can a change in name of female subscriber on account of marriage possible?

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What will happen if a resident Indian having a PPF account moves out of India and gets the status of NRI?

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How interest is calculated on PPF account balance?

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Is there any lock-in period on my invesment?

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Can I extend the tenure of PPF account beyond maturity period of 15 years?

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Is there any option to withdraw funds during lock-in period?

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What are the rules for taking a loan from the PPF account?

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What is the interest rate on the loan taken?

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Will the interest rate on loan taken will reduce/increase with reduction/increase in interest rate on PPF by the Government subsequently?

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What is the tenure of repayment of the loan taken?

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Can I avail a 2nd loan before repayment of 1st loan?

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What will happen if the loan is not repaid within the stipulated period?

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What are the rules for partial withdrawl from the PPF account?

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Is there any limit on the amount of money that can be withdrawn partially?

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Can I withdraw multiple times in a financial year?

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