Who can open a SCSS account?

  • 141
  • 2

Can I open a SCSS account jointly?

  • 122
  • 2

Is there a lock-in period in the SCSS scheme?

  • 132
  • 2

What is the maximum amount that I can invest in SCSS Scheme?

  • 122
  • 1

What is the interest rate receivable in an SCSS account?

  • 116
  • 0

Does the interest rate change during the tenure?

  • 110
  • 1

Can I withdraw from my account before maturity in SCSS Scheme?

  • 102
  • 1

Can I take a loan from my SCSS account?

  • 90
  • 1

What will happen to SCSS investment in case of pre-mature death?

  • 92
  • 1

When does the interest get credited in SCSS Scheme?

  • 93
  • 1

Do I get any tax benefits in SCSS scheme?

  • 89
  • 1