Who can open a SSA account?

  • 114
  • 0

How many SSA can I open?

  • 97
  • 0

When can I open the account?

  • 88
  • 1

What is the tenure of my investment?

  • 94
  • 0

How much can I invest in a SSA account?

  • 88
  • 0

What is the interest rate provided for SSA?

  • 90
  • 0

Can I withdraw funds from my SSA before maturity?

  • 81
  • 0

Can I close my SSA before maturity?

  • 80
  • 0

What will happen in the case of marriage of the girl child

  • 70
  • 0

What will happen if I don’t make a deposit in a financial year?

  • 75
  • 0

What are the tax benefits of SSA?

  • 61
  • 0