Trail is the best form of remuneration in the whole world

Trail is the best form of remuneration in the whole world. Be blessed that you are a beneficiary of trail. It’s time IFAs understand t ...

03 Jul 2017
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It's your choice

Being in mutual fund distribution business was an IFAs choice. Being successful is his own responsibility. Don’t look for excuses. Don ...

12 Jun 2017
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Be loyal to your clients. They will reciprocate their loyalty to you.

Loyal Clients are key to IFAs growth. There is a simple rule to make loyal clients. Be loyal to your clients. Most clients will reciprocate ...

05 Jun 2017
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There are all type of IFAs

There are stories of IFAs everywhere and there are also excuses by IFAs everywhere. Which side are you? In every city there are IFAs who are ...

22 May 2017
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Average IFAs look at the short term, Super IFAs think long term.

Compounding works in the long term. Just like investments multiply over long term because of compounding, IFAs also need to think the same w ...

15 May 2017
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Vision drives effort

Vision drives effort. So, what matters is how large is your vision. Many IFAs start with a small vision because their background may be humb ...

08 May 2017
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Market Valuation

I have seen that markets rarely trade at fair value. They trade either way a premium or at a discount. For eg., If you think that Index' ...

24 Apr 2017
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Stick to clients in thick and thin

We as IFAs grow because our clients grow. Stick to them in thick and thin. All clients won't grow but a few of them will grow at a light ...

17 Apr 2017
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SIP is like the tortoise

SIPs don’t yield much in the short term; both for the clients and the IFA. However, it is like a tortoise. It eventually wins. Build y ...

10 Apr 2017
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Focus on learning, not noise.

Focus on learning. Don't get involved in useless discussions which yield nothing. AUM talks, nothing else matters. Super IFAs focus on d ...

06 Mar 2017
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Respect regulations

The mutual fund industry is growing. A lot of money is at stake now. This is the reason regulation is getting stricter. To grow, you must al ...

03 Apr 2017
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Sell what you will buy

To become a successful IFA is easy. Sell what you will buy for yourself. When you are fully convinced about a product, you can sell it with ...

27 Feb 2017
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Focus on process, not markets.

It is impossible to control the markets. They will always surprise. Focus on your processes. It will help you grow. Set your client engageme ...

27 Mar 2017
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Talk solutions, not sales.

Clients are not interested in your targets and commissions. They are only interested in solutions which can improve their financial life. Li ...

20 Feb 2017
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Work silently

There are hundreds of IFAs who have grown in the last decade. You may not know most of them. The reason is; they worked silently all the way ...

20 Mar 2017
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Make your clients investment rise. Clients will protect you from falling.

If you help your clients investment go up, clients will protect you from falling down. It is simple and there is no rocket science in this. ...

13 Feb 2017
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Hire people for service.You are best suited for sales.

IFAs are best suited for sales, not paperwork. Hire people for servicing and other issues. You should get engaged in sales. That is what you ...

06 Feb 2017
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Reserve a day every week for prospecting

Adding new clients is very important. It is critical to increase your business and also to replace existing clients who will leave you for v ...

30 Jan 2017
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Stay away from garbage

Investment advisory is basically about (1) Integrity (2) knowledge of products and (3) managing clients behaviour. That's it. If you ...

27 Jan 2017
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Don't copy others. Find your niche.

Every advisor is different. Learn from others but don't try to copy. Your age, background, expertise, city, clients, etc are all differe ...

18 Jan 2017
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Do the right thing

Buy and hold remains the most profitable virtue of investing. Yet, most financial advisors try to play an active role in managing their clie ...

11 Jan 2017
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