30 Crores in 4 Years
  • Arvind Giri
  • February 24th, 2021
  • Pune
  • 1955
  • 28

I am Arvind Giri, based out of Pune. I started my mutual fund journey in 2016 and created sip book of 22 lacs and total AUM of 30 Crores in span of 4yrs. Before coming to mutual fund industry, I spent 10 years in life insurance industry as a branch head. Due to transfer policy from one branch to another after every 3 years, I decided to quit my job and entered full time into MF business.

I am happy to say that MF industry has rewarded me. Our main focus is always on clients need and keep there interest first. Today I have my own office in Pune with 3 staff to manage my business including life & health insurance business. The success of MF distribution business is that if clients come to your office along with spouse and family and we have managed this successfully.

We review the portfolio of clients every 6 months which helps in sourcing more business from same clients and offering new products to upsell. we have created 450 happy families in Pune who invest with us regularly. All our clients have their term plan/health insurance and MF business with us. We are planning for 100cr AUM till 2025 and 80 lacs of SIP book.


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