From a Post Graduate Engineer to Certified Financial PlannerCM
  • Anad Kulkarni
  • March 12th, 2020
  • Dhule, Maharashtra
  • 979
  • 2

In 2008, we (myelf and my wife Aditi) started Rupee Investments in a small town called Dhule (Maharashtra). Initially, we were in sub-broker and also selling life insurance. Later on, we started selling mutual funds. I completed my CFP Certification along with 7 to 8 NCFM Modules to gain the knowledge in personal finance.  Initial years were tough for pitching SIPs. I was having faith and
believed in the power of building SIP book and I continued my efforts recommending SIPs. Knowledge of financial planning and fellow CFP aspirants and practitioners helped me a lot in changing my views. I do not just go and sell SIPs. I make my clients realise how asset allocation is important to them. I do educate my clients before investing which makes it simple to close the call.

Today we have both online and offline platforms to provide services to our esteemed clients. Thanks to technology which made things easy. Aditi, my wife, is handling all back office work and my daughter, Saniya started helping in our business whenever she finds time from her studies. Today With 5 crore plus as an AUM, more than 450 plus as SIP count and 8.5 lakhs plus SIP Book we are growing along with our clients helping them to achieve their dreams.


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